A member of the St Piran Football League and Cornwall Veterans Football League  

Grampound FC News 

19 May 2024

Club Award Winners for Season 2023-4

L to R: Hayyden Bates (1st team Players' Player, James Webb (retiring 1st team manager, Mark Roch (1st team Man of the Match Award,
Mike Bawden (Clubman of the Season), Alex Makepeace (Veterans Players' Player and Man of the Match Award.
Missing from photo : John Nel (Young Player of the Season)

13 May 2024

Pre-season training will start before the end of June, 6.30pm at Grampound Recreation Ground. A definite date will be published shortly.

11 May 2024

28 April 2024

Our End of Season Celebration will be on Saturday 18th May in the Dolphin Inn from 7.00pm There will be a proper buffet and the presentation of some awards to players.  There is no charge and partners are welcome 
Please let me know if you and a partner or friend is coming and vote :-

To Vote
Please vote below for your “Players’ Player” for our first team and
Veterans team and “Young Player of the Season”.
Eligible First Team Players (shown below) can vote for their Player of the Season and for one of the six Young Players shown.   Veterans can vote for one of their players shown
by the blue shading in each category. Some can vote for all three categories.

14 April 2024

On Saturday 13 April,  club volunteers removed the old leaky roof of the club's storage building and replaced it.  Thank you to all those who helped.



26 January 2024

Foxhole Reserves has withdrawn fom our division in the St Piran League.

Martin Lloyd will become Grampound's first team manager for season 2024-5 and he has already joined the club as a player, transferring from Chacewater where he was player/assistant manager.  Martin has had several spells at Grampound over the years, normally playing as a combative midfielder.  We wish him good fortune in his new role.

25 January 2024

First team manager James Webb will be standing down at the end of the current season after 7 years at the helm.  We are very grateful to James who has done a great job, sometimes in circumstances that have not been easy.  James will continue to play for our veterans team.

26 October 2023

The club has withdrawn the U12 youth team from the Cornwall Youth League.

3rd September 2023

The Annual Duck Race winners are as below:-

1st Place (£100) :     Duck 542, Jessica Noble
2nd Place (£50) :     Duck 221, James Webb
3rd Place (£25) :      Duck 83, Kitty Arthur
4th Place (£10) :      Duck 508, Glen Egerton
Slowest Duck (£5) Duck 87,  Sean Ford

Congratulations to the winners and many thanks to everyone who took part.

1st July 2023

Grampound first team has received an unexpected promotion to Division 3 East for the new season.

1st June 2023

Grampound has become a member of the expanded St Piran Football League after the dissolution of the the Duchy League.

29th April 2023

Grampound FC, including Grampound Veterans  and Grampound Youth, has received confirmation of our FA Accreditation as an  England Accredited Club.  This replaces the now defunct FA Charter Standard programme.