DCMPA30ޱ#`FY3:hb060j UX8(1K0y" j^@sb`C l0;@E@0!wq0!n bbĀ!FD`L3"S, t#πR FZ%#QLqzDHŠ HDQ#>0%WkTE*\rMԤNF"dT/AX Z&U)Rp= 3'%ui,NH k"e  &b䈔'TQr+^Xo^8V`5L "B iDOI@_"</pu%N ^!^ {y|@,"0Oċ#@I<92E-ObOr$"B-*>bLpBxF !>Ң<^։hȏ" tLZH bk}HaDc]X`j &!RBP`RMB񃠁v<8a,0H1 tE0E`/Ppkj+SP D$#j]SP D$ L$8tDPHt"t$L$$QL$ QL$ @QVЃujh h ,jL$4t$P9L$ QL$ QuLu0h h ,juh h ,jiVD$uh# h ,jG]jSP D$Dj SQܻ D$(t$Pt$Lt$(V u$h- h ,jhj\$XjSP{\$P D$$thD$4p S?tTD$$SPt$$VXuh6 h ,jhjIkD$,tnP+UV u]h; h2 h ,jhj .h) h ,j/h h ,jhj3V3D$t PPD$t PD$t PND$t P=D$ t P,D$$t Pt SD$(][t Pu&hk h ,hhDCMPA30ޱ#`DY3:hb060FR ;ʼn !€4 ˆSaS Ai1 Z0 ~w- e1pF dbD,+!ͬhfSXR1*scVjg@#D2 ӼE٢ժQ-ZT X$ pa& V\^9RbZ,"kJSjdUjN(3-4ɐ\ 2e](^<" T TxqJ+[PQň%QrdfF( *W2تVU!#I@Q(D@D(<1 &ĉH"DJ+S -aV8!K)W ACհ4(Khj \NCyF o@N@3VLCC"q $ `>@!p egC"{'R \ fN0?\\ "[00P 0 qP{%fSq?J\6?7+VH蛽8Q;I/T Ŋ9)|^ŊB^(B ?l È 鰨rpt;}0FAc`-( ld be found' ); Assert.equal( result.totalIdentifiers, 5, '5 kinds of domains should be found'); Assert.equal( result.groupByIdentifier[ 'C' ].length, 2, '2 there should be 2 "C" domains'); }); it( 'same domains meet again', function(){ var samples = SampleParser( 'meet_again.txt' ); var result = ConnectedDomain( samples, function( point ){ return point; }); Assert.equal( result.totalDomains, 2, '2 domains should be found' ); Assert.equal( result.domains.length, 2, '2 domains should be found' ); Assert.equal( result.totalIdentifiers, 2, '2 kinds of domains should be found'); }); it( 'parse domains with soft link', function(){ var samples = SampleParser( 'hard_or_soft.txt' ); var result = ConnectedDomain( samples, function( point ){ return point; }, false ); Assert.equal( result.totalDomains, 2, '2 domains should be found' ); Assert.equal( result.domains.length, 2, '2 domains should be found' ); Assert.equal( result.totalIdentifiers, 2, '2 kinds of domains should be found'); console.log( JSON.stringify( result ) ); }); it( 'parse domains with hard link', function(){ var samples = SampleParser( 'hard_or_soft.txt' ); var result = ConnectedDomain( samples, function( point ){ return point; }, true ); Assert.equal( result.totalDomains, 6, '6 domains should be found' ); Assert.equal( result.domains.length, 6, '6 domains should be found' ); Assert.equal( result.totalIdentifiers, 2, '2 kinds of domains should be found'); }); }); D$pTËD$@p Q̋D$@tx txt xt3øSW|$Gp /؃u_[Vt$F@ t PNFX Gp؃t-F@t P!FXGpu^_3[ËF@t PF^x_[Vt$ W|$ Fp Gp u8FpGp}u FpGpeu_^_3^̋D$@pD$ @p7@̋D$p4Yt$ t$ j uhhئ,j jwj UC3Pjtt$ % ̋D$t$p̋D$jt$pt$̋D$jt$pt$j̋D$jt$pt$Jt$ t$ j uhhئ,j jzj B3Pjtt$ $ ̋D$t$pW|$uh<0/t$ 93Ƀ_ËGV7D$D$PjU 3S3ۅtP'EFtP;Bh$G hئ,Po4 u'h&hئ,jAj}j AV[^_Ul$jh<0/U譨 u9t$ W6hT,Ut t$ Wvh\,INDX( S(hX,xb+<4<42#?2#?83 hard_or_soft.txt,pZ+<4<42#?2#?83 HARD_O~1.TXT.p^+G!\4G!\42#?2#?he meet_again.txt.pZ+G